Очень вкусно. Рулька. Капуста. Темное пиво. Штрудель со сливками. Ммммм
24 m from hotel
Mostecká 47/16
A guide to great places near Domus Balthasar Boutique Hotel
Очень вкусно. Рулька. Капуста. Темное пиво. Штрудель со сливками. Ммммм
24 m from hotel
Mostecká 47/16
Очень вкусно. Рулька. Капуста. Темное пиво. Штрудель со сливками. Ммммм
24 m from hotel
Mostecká 47/16
The best Segway rental point in Prague. Segway tours are the best way to discover Prague!
147 m from hotel
Maltezske square 7
The best Segway rental point in Prague. Segway tours are the best way to discover Prague!
147 m from hotel
Maltezske square 7
Bookstore with genius loci. And it's way more spacious than you may guess.
189 m from hotel
U Lužického semináře 91/10
Bookstore with genius loci. And it's way more spacious than you may guess.
189 m from hotel
U Lužického semináře 91/10
Статуя Яна Непомуцкого на мосту, как говорят, если прикоснуться к ее бронзовым барельефам, исполняет самое заветное желание. Также исполняет желания и плита на парапете с крестом и пятью звездами.
395 m from hotel
Karlův most
Статуя Яна Непомуцкого на мосту, как говорят, если прикоснуться к ее бронзовым барельефам, исполняет самое заветное желание. Также исполняет желания и плита на парапете с крестом и пятью звездами.
395 m from hotel
Karlův most
Ride the 22 tram up to Prague Castle (entry £5) for an afternoon exploring the seat of the P˘remyslid dynasty, the millennium-old St Vitus’ Cathedral, and the Romanesque St George’s Basilica.
0.5 km from hotel
Pražský hrad
Ride the 22 tram up to Prague Castle (entry £5) for an afternoon exploring the seat of the P˘remyslid dynasty, the millennium-old St Vitus’ Cathedral, and the Romanesque St George’s Basilica.
0.5 km from hotel
Pražský hrad
This beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral within the Prague Castle is a must-see. Aside from the amazing rose window and towering spires, also don't miss the Crown Chamber and the Royal Crypt.
0.6 km from hotel
III. nádvoří 48/2
This beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral within the Prague Castle is a must-see. Aside from the amazing rose window and towering spires, also don't miss the Crown Chamber and the Royal Crypt.
0.6 km from hotel
III. nádvoří 48/2
In the summer months, come at night to escape the scorching afternoon sun and enjoy a great view of the city.
0.6 km from hotel
Hradčanské nám.
In the summer months, come at night to escape the scorching afternoon sun and enjoy a great view of the city.
0.6 km from hotel
Hradčanské nám.
Vlezte si pod fontánu a pochopíte význam názvu :) | Get under the fountain and you'll understand why it is called "the singing fountain" :)
0.7 km from hotel
Mariánské hradby 52/1
Vlezte si pod fontánu a pochopíte význam názvu :) | Get under the fountain and you'll understand why it is called "the singing fountain" :)
0.7 km from hotel
Mariánské hradby 52/1